ID:1685302:06紫色百合花-pärple Lilies
ID:1750903:07轻音乐-睡莲-Water Lilies
ID:4089902:29你的举动-Your Move
ID:1645901:54谁说-Who Said
ID:2367601:59蝴蝶和大黄蜂-Butterflies and Bumblebees
ID:600302:15针和堆栈-Needle and Stack
ID:3165102:18小心睡莲-Carefully the Water Lilies
ID:2577803:37在我的童年-In My Childhood
ID:3735401:55恢弘宣传片-后院的百合花-Lillies in the Backyard
ID:3839103:13气泡和吱吱声-Bubble and Squeak
ID:1395902:03快乐得像个傻子-Happy as a Fool
ID:2358801:49花园溪-Garden Creek
ID:2690602:04轻快活力 时尚 产品宣传-不再心碎-No More Heartbreaks
ID:279102:04小蝴蝶(音乐盒版)-Itsy Bitsy Spider (Music Box Edition)
ID:1508101:29伦敦桥(音乐盒版)-London Bridge (Music Box Edition)
ID:1508201:29我看见三艘船 (音乐盒版)-I Saw Three Ships (Music Box Edition)
ID:3277101:32女孩和男孩出来玩(玩具版)-Girls and Boys Come Out to Play (Toys Edition)
ID:2551501:41夏天的雨-Summer Rains
ID:3415101:55我的邦妮躺在海洋上(玩具版)-My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean (Toys Edition)
ID:3277201:45轻快开心 活力灵动-一次两步-Two Steps at a Time
ID:1553002:02鲜花和田野-Flowers and Fields
ID:1780403:05你和我们-You & Us
ID:1521501:53郁郁葱葱和阳光明媚-Lush And Sunny
ID:1597002:30你好亲爱的-Hello Darling
ID:2694202:12递给我一份祈祷和一碗米饭-Pass Me a Prayer and a Bowl of Rice
ID:7307403:49针和线-Needle and Thread
ID:3350801:53轻快节奏 轻松惬意-你和太阳-You and the Sun
ID:2614002:05木屑和碎片-Sawdust and Splinters
ID:923602:40英里和英里-Miles and Miles
ID:1150801:48和爷爷一起跳舞-Dancing with Grandpa
ID:968102:51不能拥有她-Can't Have Her
ID:281602:21北行-Northern Bound
ID:1130102:16那些倾盆大雨的日子-Those Pouring Days
ID:3730102:36展示和讲述-Show and Tell
ID:3745502:46加满水箱-Fill the Tank
ID:3415002:05再次下跌和上涨-Down and Up Again
ID:1450001:45时间和地点-When and Where
ID:142101:47儿子和女儿-Sons and Daughters